My Adventures on the Ice

Monday, December 19, 2005

Back to the GA Labor Pool

I have been back to working with my GA coworkers now for about a month and I have been staying busy and catching up on the grunt work that I missed while I was working in Fuels. They were all rotating though the galley and working as Dining Attendants (DAs), and also working as janitors. A part of our job is to step in when a department is short handed or there are people that are injured. So we were helping relieve some of those with repetitive motion injuries. I also was tasked out to the VMF, the heavy equipment garage, here they asked us to clean a room from top to bottom in preparation for a Safety audit that was going to take place. Another job that I have been sent to do as a GA is working in the Waste Barn. This includes helping sort though the garbage that is created by everyone at McMurdo and the South Pole station. We recycle 60% of everything that is used on station. This is incredible, considering that Seattle recycles the most in the USA and they recycle 55% of their garbage. Garbage is separated into 18 different categories, some of which include cardboard, mixed paper, light metal, plastics; broken down into 3 different groups, and burnables. These are then shipped off the continent when the vessel arrives in February.


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