My Adventures on the Ice

Monday, October 24, 2005


I have been here now for 10 days and it seems like there has been so much going on but really not a whole lot of time. I have been going to a lot of trainings in the time that I have been here and making use of all of my free time that I have. In case you want to know my address here it is: Kathryn Patrick, RPSC
Mc Murdo Station
PSC 469 Box 700
APO AP 96599-1035

I have been loving it. There are so many safety things to abide by and so many things to learn. I have been to a Drivers Training, Forklift Training, Sea Ice training, Snow School, Fuels training, waste briefing, Pisten Bully training, training on radio transmissions, out door safety training, back safety training and a streching clinic, just to name a few. Its funny, the weather is pretty nice most of the week but come Sundays when it is our day off it has been blowing snow so bad that it is unbareable to leave the buildings. Amongst all of these trainings there have been days where I have worked in the Galley, worked in the Skua (free yard sale environment- one persons trash is another persons treasures), shoveled snow, and several other things.

My day starts out somewhere between 5:30 and 6am when I get ready and head down for breakfast. I then have to be at my morning streching for my department at 7:30. We strech for 30 minutes and then pack up and get dressed again and go out and do our morning duties. We get a 15 min break at 10am and then go back to work until noon. We get an hour for lunch and then return to work, for me this may be the same task or even a new one, We work until about 3 when we take a 2nd 15 min break and then we work until 5:30. Dinner is served from 5:30 to 7:30 and then the rest of the night is my own. Around here right now the sun is actually setting for about 2 hours. In a few weeks the sun will not set at all. The weather hasnt been too bad here, we have gone to condition 2 a few times, but not to much yet. They are expecting this year to be a bad storm season since they havent had one in a while. That is ok, we can stay put in our dorms if need be, Im lucky i live in the same dorm the Galley is in and I dont have to bare the elements outdoors.

Well to explain some of the pictures a little bit, I have been on 2 trips off the station so far... the first of which was Sea Ice training. This was to teach us what was safe to drive on when we drive on the Sea Ice. If there is a crack we have to check it. The first picture is of my 2nd trip of the station. It was for Snow school, otherwise known as Happy Camper, this picture was taken at about 10pm the weather had calmed down and it was pretty nice. the 2 yellow tents are called scott tents, they are made solely from cloth, they can only be used in the Antarctic and the Sahara desert, they cant be used where moisture is present. The Snow Dome is called a Quinzy. It was hollowed out and there were 4 people that slept in it. The rest of the pictures are scenery pictures. Where there is blue that is actually Ice, the white is just snow and the dark dirt is volcanic rock and gravel. This place is amazing to see. These pictures really dont do it justice. Well for now this is what has been going on. I will talk to all of you later.


  • Who the heck are those ppl above me? HAHA~!
    GIRRRL!!! Did I forget to mention how happy and proud I am of you? Yeah, I didn't think so, haha! This looks freakin' awesome, posom;) So you think just cuz you have a mail addy I've got to use it or something? HAHA! Is there anything you wish you had that you can't get there? Cuz I could always mail it:) Even if it's a hottie Cowboy, hehe! Keep up the fun:) Thanks for keeping us posted in the States :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/24/2005 3:56 PM  

  • how cool. keep up with updates, i love to see antartica through your eyes. share more about work.

    By Blogger Tamara B, at 10/25/2005 11:35 AM  

  • i just added this page to my favorites and called it "patch of ice" hee, hee, i thought that was pretty witty of me :)

    By Blogger Tamara B, at 10/25/2005 11:36 AM  

  • What I want to know is who or how many does it take to get you up at 5:30AM? Fork truck training...maybe come June you can have a new job.

    The pictures are awesome! I'd been checking for an update and when it took over 10 days I figured you dropped off the edge of the earth. (the earth is still flat isn't it???

    I haven't talked to John but know he on his way home. I'll check with him soon and give you an update.

    Enjoy and don't wait 10 days to let us know what you're up to!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/26/2005 4:16 PM  

  • OH MY the pictures. So THAT is what it looks like! Glad to hear you're keeping busy (oh my gosh, I thought I was busy!). Do you love it??? I hope so! Thanks for the address...will see about using it!

    By Blogger jerelyn, at 10/26/2005 10:32 PM  

  • The pictures are amazing! I think it is funny that you said the weather is not "that bad." You know your in Antarctia right? I mean it has to be cold!!!! Good luck with all your new jobs!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/28/2005 10:03 PM  

  • i love the pics!! they are awesome!

    By Blogger Ashley, at 11/02/2005 9:05 AM  

  • Wow, the pictures are great. Keep us updated and I want to hear funny stories cause I know they are bound to happen :)

    By Blogger Carrie, at 11/03/2005 10:39 PM  

  • These ARE amazing pictures!

    By Blogger Kristin, at 2/18/2006 9:24 PM  

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