My Adventures on the Ice

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Penguin Ranch

Well, I know that it has been a while since I posted and there has been a lot going on, so hopefully I can catch you up on everything and include some pictures for you all to look at.

One of my first jobs that I was assigned was to fuel at Penguin Ranch, a science field camp where they study the breathing and heart rate patterns of Emperor Penguins while they dive under water and while they are resting. They capture about 15 penguins during the season and do studies with them, and then return them back to their home after they are finished.


  • I just watched 'March of the Penguins':) It's a must see. Thanks for the pics:) Oh, wait! Where are you? Come on I think we could all use some good black-male pics:) HEHE!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/22/2005 9:47 PM  

  • BEAUTIFUL bitds - aren't they? I'm sure you have gotten to pet them, right? You are so lucky to get this experience!

    By Blogger Kristin, at 2/18/2006 9:25 PM  

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